Sunday, February 17, 2008

I'm Back!

Alot has happened in the Compton family since I went on hiatus in October. Most notably, Charles and I both lost Grandfathers in December, just one day apart. His grandfather, Gerald, died December 1 after a massive Thanksgiving stroke, and my grandpa Bob slipped away as I was visiting him the next day. I did get the kids to see him though, just a few days before he passed.

The kids are getting so big, and learning so much, every day is a new day. Recently we have been dealing with the flu, and Charles and Maddie were really hard hit, but everyone seems to be getting better. I have a sinus infection that is keeping me from writing much today.
But I am back, and will be posting here more often.


HalfPint said...

And now you have disappeared again.

Donna H said...

Hi, I like your blog. We have a similar take on life and apparently, like the same blog format! check mine out at http:/ I will add yours to my blog roll!
